15.1.05 (Sun) Very big head prawn of mi… in order to complete my visa writing… in total, I used 5 visa cards!!! Gosh…. First one I wrote two mistakes, 2nd one, is my surname starts wif ‘T’, but upon my first strokes, I wrote an ‘I’… aarrrhhh… 3rd one, not really my fault, the air steward gave mi the wrong card… for Indian Local… realize only after completing the first section of the card… 4th time I asked, the air steward gave more cards, my frien pass to mi say I’ll need extra, I say I won’t one (confidently)… I almost finish writing, at the last section when I wanna write my Indian address, there is a burnt hole… and I can’t write anything in it….. darn !!! Last attempt for the visa be4 I give up ask my frien help mi write…. Haha… finally I have completing it myself….
The lunch was nice… jus quite some unique taste of Indian favors… it’s a beautiful view from the sky…. Then fell asleep while watching…wake up see the Indian show… guy chase wife out, wife regrets wanna go home, mother forbids, father slaps mother, mother cry, then drives off, wife stand there at lost, husband suddenly turn up, hugs and THE END. Well that’s Indian show…
We lands…. Got welcum by Scandent in charges, David and one more guy dunno wat name, and also a temask polytechnic boy, Aaron. First time see him, his spec’s lenses is tinned blue… (‘you se yan jin’!!! haha… but that’s actually something I’m saving up to buy when I’m back in Singapore, coz vera’s specs is yellow one, that gaves mi the feeling of getting one too, but not yellow of coz)
First Transport, a call cab; actually a mini van… ride is rough… everywhere is air pollution… bad smoke all over the place… Temperature is like
Our arrival to Quanta Zen. This place belongs to Mr Babuji a.k.a Jacobs, he is a lawyer; nice person I presume. It’s a nice small cozy place, mi share room wif lihong. When we pack out our stuff… its quite a scene as we brought a lot of medicines and new year goodies and big luggage… Aaron had his fellow TP mates over to meet us… Yong Hon, Nassa, Jimmy and Skuidfa (Fa-ge). They are also amazed by out stuffs… LOL… then they brought us to the nearby Malaysian restaurant to eat and later walk to Spencer’s Daily to buy some groceries. Then walk back home… in
We vere invited to go to their small celebration to celebrate their last week in
ohhh.... i miss home alot alot alot
Ǻηğĭε, at 2:23 pm
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